Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Thanksgiving Break

 I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I sure did. We had lots of family in town, lots of late nights staying up playing games, way too many pieces of pie and lots of photos to show for it. One of the highlights of the weekend was getting to take photos of this family! They too had extended family in town and took advantage of the opportunity to get everyone in a photo together. 
 This is a great family! I came away from this shoot feeling like I gained a bunch of friends! I loved watching their interactions with one another and how they handled different things. It's hard to get everyone together, coax reluctant children to smile, get the dog to follow commands with so many distractions, but they handled it all like champs! There were smiles and laughter throughout the whole session.
 All the human grandkids with grandma...and, of course, the furry grandchild! 

4 children, spouses and 12 beautiful, sweet, grandkids! That is something to be proud of!

Thank you!

Thursday, November 2, 2017


 The other night I had a chance to spend some time with Mandy. This beautiful girl is smart, level headed, musically talented and ready for the next steps in her life. 

 She plays both the saxophone and the clarinet. Their high school band has traveled to compete and took 1st place last year.
 I love Senior photo shoots. I love getting to chat with the Seniors and hear about their plans for the future. It is such an exciting, yet nerve-racking time of life. There are so many options and roads ahead. I am so excited for Mandy. I know she has a bright future ahead of her.

Thank you, Mandy!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Boydston Family

 I love this family! They are great friends of ours and it was fun to take their family photos again this year with their new addition!

It is officially my favorite time of year, check out those fall colors! I think they coordinated their outfits perfectly to go with those golden leaves in the background.

 The cutest kids!
 and good lookin' parents

 Thank you, Boydston's!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Kason is 9!

 Oh, this sweet boy has my heart. He was born to be the oldest! He is driven, independent yet so very social. He loves his family, friends and anything active. He loves to read and work on projects. He is athletic and has an aptitude for music. This boy was born with so many gifts and it has been a joy to watch them unfold and help him develop them.

 As a baby, he would wake up around 5:30 am and be ready for the day. To this day, he is still a morning person. He deals with the rest of his family of sleeper iners by going out each morning and feeding the cows. He really enjoys it! He comes in, checks his room, packs his school bag, pours a bowl of cereal and then sits down to catch a cartoon. 
 He only agreed to this photo shoot if he could "Widdle a stick" and "play in the leaves"...I had no objections to either!

Love this boy so, so much! I am so lucky to be his mama!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Baby Will is 1!

 My sweet baby turned 1!Oh how we love this baby! He is pretty calm, a self-soother, curious, and easy to please. He has been the source of so much love and laughter in our home this year. I am so lucky to be his mama! 
I took this series of photos because I wanted to remember what he was like at this age. Once he gets his eye on something he wants, he's off and running and won't let anything get in his way! On this particular occasion, it was a stuffed dog. 
 Almost there, buddy!
 VICTORY!! His face says it all!
 And the best part! He loves all things soft;blankets, stuffed animals, and sometimes mom's cheek. He lays his face on it and says "awwww". It's pretty adorable.
 Bubbles! It's hard to get this guy to smile on cue. He is most-often deep in thought, studying the things around him. 
....And then mom stuck me in this stupid box and I can't get out, ugh! 

We love you baby, Will!