Monday, October 16, 2017

Kason is 9!

 Oh, this sweet boy has my heart. He was born to be the oldest! He is driven, independent yet so very social. He loves his family, friends and anything active. He loves to read and work on projects. He is athletic and has an aptitude for music. This boy was born with so many gifts and it has been a joy to watch them unfold and help him develop them.

 As a baby, he would wake up around 5:30 am and be ready for the day. To this day, he is still a morning person. He deals with the rest of his family of sleeper iners by going out each morning and feeding the cows. He really enjoys it! He comes in, checks his room, packs his school bag, pours a bowl of cereal and then sits down to catch a cartoon. 
 He only agreed to this photo shoot if he could "Widdle a stick" and "play in the leaves"...I had no objections to either!

Love this boy so, so much! I am so lucky to be his mama!

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