Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sibling love!

This children's portrait session was a bit of a stretch for me. Typically, I'm not one to do studio type photos. However, I thought these came out really well. It doesn't hurt that these kiddos are all so stinkin' cute! I love this shot of Joee with her new baby sister. She is SUCH a great big sister; so protective, loving and adoring.
Can't ask for cuter kids!

Ok, I couldn't do the whole thing inside! We got a break from the rain and decided to go play in a fountain. True Northwesterners we are!

This baby girl is so precious. She is practically brand new and fits so perfectly in her mommy's hands.

aww, love the babies!

1 comment:

  1. Those look great Brie! I can't wait to see the rest of them! Thank you so much for doing those. I love what you did with the first one of Joee and Allie.
