Attention all coupon-clipping mom's!!...you know who you are...Ok, forget northwest trek, forget the zoo, save your $13 a ticket and just go to the duck pond next to the zoo. Your kids will love it. It kind of reminded me of the squim (spelling?) game farm. I don't know if you've ever been there but that place is nuts! You bravely drive through a 100 acre farm as goats, llamas, prairie dogs, bears..yes BEARS.. are roaming freely. Sometimes they venture up to your car and stick their tounges through your cracked window in search of the stale bread they give you to feed them. As a kid, I LOVED it. Looking back....hmm not so sure. Anyway, today I thought we should get out and go visit the duck pond I've been meaning to take Kason to. He LOVES animals, so why not get a little free entertainment in before nap time. So we sit down to have lunch....
Not two seconds later do we look up and see this duck that has follwed us from the other side of the pond. The ducks are not scared AT ALL! It was amazing. He ate cheerios right out of Kason's hands. The thing that amazed me the most was that the squirrel in the above picture came RIGHT up to me. I took that picture sitting down and probably 3 feet from him. It was cool at first and then a little too much. I tried to "shew" them away so we could eat but they were pretty relentless.
The seagull had big plans for my southwest salad...I don't know, it was pretty spicy!
The duck pond and all the gardens are beautiful!
Anyway, thought I should share a little fun, free thing to do with the kids! Enjoy!